Time trials, while they hurt like hell, are relatively safe. Crits, on the other hand, have the potential to knock you down and bang you up, making you wonder "is this really worth it?" Two years ago BJ was asking herself that question as she lay on the ground, cut and broken, at the Casey Crit. A broken collar bone, several stitches, a pretty bad concussion, and months on the trainer led her to decide that no, crits were not worth it. Since then she has continued to do time trials, beating not only the women in the 40 plus category, but also almost every other woman as well. She is a time trialing Goddess! So, as they say, time heals. And thus it has for BJ. At 59
years young, BJ is THE most energetic person I have EVER met. Not to mention a little competitive. And determined. And crazy, in a good way :) All of those characteristics combined, plus the support of an amazing husband, brought BJ to the conclusion that maybe crits aren't so bad afterall. That taking calculated chances is worth it. After dipping her toe
in the water in a couple of crits earlier in the season, BJ jumped in with both feet this weekend. And, as expected, she ROCKED. Here's how the weekend played out: At the Amphib Crit yesterday she made an early break and stayed out there with various other racers as things played out behind her. In the end she came away with 2nd place for the 40 plus women and 4th place overall. One of the other racers was heard saying, "I almost r
an you down in the sprint!". At just over half BJ's age this woman was excited that she ALMOST caught BJ in the sprint! After an almost 60 mile ride this morning, BJ decided she would forgo her usual Sunday afternoon routine of manicuring her perfect lawn (think Martha Stewart on steroids) and throw her hat in the ring at the Langley Speedway. Once again she found herself in a breakaway, this time with two very strong women, one who is a Cat 1 racer. BJ ended up 1st for the 40+ women, lapping the field, and third overall. We should all be so lucky when we're 59. Cap'n Cook and Cap'n of the BJ is a BadA** Fan Club
Gloucester Cross Cam
12 years ago
You rock, Podium Kitty! NOTHING keeps you away from a challenge. Always an inspiration!
BJ ROXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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